Translation lost / Nikko/ Japan

Yesterday we went to visit the small town of Nikko, north of Tokyo. The emblem of the city are the famous tree wise monkeys  : The Nikko Toshogo Shrine, also known as the Sacred Stable, in Japan has a carving of three cute monkeys.
‘See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil,” is a common phrase, usually used to describe someone who doesn’t want to be involved in a situation. But in fact the monkeys were carved as a visual representation of the religious Tendai principle, as many scholars believe  “If we do not hear, see, or speak evil, we ourselves shall be spared all evil.”
Eyes grasp no form, free away from prejudices.
Ears make no distinction, spared futile chasing.
Mouth keeps silent, no contending pro and con.
Three monkeys set model of profound wisdom.

Une Réponse to “Translation lost / Nikko/ Japan”

  1. KARMA Says:


    Homme / 23
    15 juillet

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